In this blog i will discuss the connection between overeating and the CAFO system.The end of overeating written by David Kessler explains why some people are vulnerable to sugar,salt and fat. People who are vulnerable to palatable food are more likely to overeat because of the sugar,salt and fat which act as a stimulant As a result they are addicted to those kind of food and overeat,adds on weight and becomes obese.Generally. their homeostatic system should maintain their energy balance.which in turn controls their weight. However ,because their brains are altered by the stimulant sugar, salt and fat, the message they are receiving ,frequently is similar to that of a drug addict.(One who cannot exist without drugs). In their case it is more sugar, salt or fat which are reinforcers in their palatable food. The CAFO system is full of fatty meat,for example the cows are fed corn which has plenty protein.
On one hand those consumers who can resist eating excessive sugar, salt and fat are benefitting from their habits,they are unlikely to be obese. On the other hand those consumers who are addicts to such food are the victims of the reinforcers.
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